Retail Management Syllabus

Retail Management Course
Retail Management Syllabus

Description for Retail Management:

  • Understand effective methods and strategies required for retail management.
  • Understand how to utilize resources and techniques used in retail management.
  • Understand analysis of store location, merchandising, products and pricing.

Topics and Lessons for Retail Management:

  1. Chapter 1 - An Introduction to Retailing , Quiz 1 , PowerPoint
  2. Chapter 2 - Building and Sustaing Relationships in Retailing
  3. Chapter 3 - Strategic Planning in Retailing, Quiz 2, Power Point
  4. Chapter 4 - Chapter 4 -Retail Institutions by Ownerships
  5. Chapter 5 -Retail Institutions by Store-Based Strategy Mix, Quiz 3 Power Point
  6. Chapter 6 -Web, Non-Store Based, and other Forms of Traditional Retailing
  7. Chapter 7-Identifying and Understanding Consumers, Quiz 4, Power Point
  8. Chapter 8-Information Gathering and Processing in Retailing, Quiz 5 Power Point
  9. Chapter 9- Trading Area Analysis, Quiz 6, Power Point
  10. Chapter 10- Site Selection
  11. Chapter 12 -Operations Management– Financial Dimensions, Quiz 7
  12. Chapter 13 -Operations Management– Operational Management
  13. Chapter 14-Developing Merchandise Plans, Quiz 8 Power Point
  14. Chapter 16 -Financial Merchandise Management, Quiz 9 Power Point
  15. Chapter 17-Pricing in Retailing, Quiz 10, Power Point

Objectives for Retail Management:

To develop knowledge of contemporary retail management
issues at the strategic level. To describe and analyse the way
retailing works, specifically the key activities and relationships.
To provide an academic underpinning to the above through the
application of retailing theory and research.